To support our analysis activities, we have developed a complete set
of rotor dynamics computer codes that are available for commercial use.
General descriptions of these programs are as follows:

Element Multi-shaft Rotor DYNamics)
A contemporary conical
beam finite element analysis program
Solves for damped
natural frequencies and forced response (speed and time dependent)
Linear, non-linear,
squeeze-films, and magnetic bearings
independent with user friendly graphical interface

iSTRDYN (integrated
Stress Thermal Rotor DYNamics)
State-of-the-art axisymmetric (2D)
finite element analysis program
Complete rotor dynamics with heat transfer and stresses
Embedded rolling element and fluid film bearing mechanics, as well as
standard supports
Desktop, LAN, and Internet versions

Multi-speed, multi-plane
flexible rotor balancing (BAFLER)
Java-based explicit differential equation integrators

For more information on any of this software, click on
the names or one of the submenu items