iSTRDYN is a
state-of-the-art rotating machinery mechanical design and analysis program based on
two dimensional finite element
theory. Some of the key features in this program are:
axisymmetric, harmonic finite elements with combined radial, axial, and
tangential motion
import of CAD files for model building
Standard support representations along with embedded rolling element and
fluid film bearing mechanics
Combined steady and
transient rotor dynamics, heat transfer, and stress analysis
Intuitive, integrated graphical interface with desktop, network, and
Internet versions
capabilities in iSTRDYN are:
Easy creation of geometrically accurate models
closely represent actual rotor cross-sections
Mesh defined from points & lines (from CAD file if
available) or directly by specifying nodes & elements
Input and
output have specific units - English, SI-meters,
Advanced 2D axisymmetric harmonic elements with unlimited problem size
and radial motion inherently coupled - true disk flexibility effects
Great for thin, tapered structures and
overhung/cantilevered features
Solutions for zeroth and first order harmonics automatically calculated
and combined
Includes plain stress elements to directly represent bladed sections
dynamics with heat transfer and stress
Nodal temperatures solved before dynamics - accurate
material properties for modes & forced response
Heat transfer boundary conditions can be speed & time
natural frequencies including modal strain & kinetic energy
Forced response includes unbalance, asynchronous, maneuver, and time-dependent loads
Nodal stresses available from all forced response
Linear and non-linear supports
Standard speed dependent linear connections (stiffness, damping, and
mass coefficients vs speed)
Non-linear force-displacement for tip rubs and deadband (axial, radial,
and tangential forces)
Frequency response functions in future release
Embedded fluid film and rolling element bearing
Specify geometry and lubricant, program determines deflection at bearing
Rolling element model considers ball and roller bearings,
solves hertzian contact with traction effects
Fluid film model includes journal bearings, squeeze
films, tilt pads, and hydrostatic bearings
Complete set of graphical displays and text listings
Geometry, deformed, and contour plots
Complete user control of boundary conditions and load displays
maps, stability maps, and mode shapes
displacements, support loads, and temperatures versus speed or time
Mode shapes and deformed mesh can be animated (and
Time histories, orbits, and FFT spectra
General and context-sensitive help system
plots and listings can be saved in standard graphics or text files
Model, material properties, and lubricants
imported/exported using XML files

For substantially more information on iSTRDYN, including
examples, FAQs, and downloading instructions, please
click here to go to the
program web siteTo download the paper describing the methodology used in
iSTRDYN, go to About